Our Farm

Nestled in the forested foothills of Short Mountain, our bees thrive on a mixed forage of native trees like red bud, tulip poplar, black locust and sumac as well as a hardy supply of Tennessee wildflowers. Our area is especially rich in blackberry, clover, goldenrod, ironweed, dandelion, nettles and wild hydrangea.  Because of our remote location in the hills and hollows leading up to the Highland rim, we are isolated by a several mile radius from any commercial agriculture operations that rely on the use of toxic herbicides and pesticides – our bees don’t forage any row crops or treated fields! 

In true farmstead style, we grow and harvest food for our family and livestock as well as for use in our delicious raw honeys, luxurious skin care and beautiful tallow and beeswax candles.  We proudly stand behind all the animal-based ingredients and botanicals we use in our products, both farm grown and organically sourced, and can guarantee that you are receiving only the highest quality honey, body care and home goods.  

Our Products and Ingredients

The farm grown ingredients used in our products are produced using regenerative agricultural practices to sustainably improve and maintain our rich soil and the pristine limestone spring water that grows our crops, forages and livestock.  The diversified livestock at Sweet Girl Honey Farm is utilized to replenish pastures and provide fertilizer for our crops all while living their best life in their natural environments.  Our pastured chickens travel with the cows to peck and spread manure creating lush pastures for the ruminates, the pigs clear the fields in late fall and even help with some “tilling” in the spring, our rabbits munch on a diet of pulled garden weeds and native forages and the bees are busy pollinating our wild and orchard fruit trees to produce our delicious Tennessee wildflower honey and gorgeous golden wax.  Our 100% grass-fed pasture-raised Shorthorn herd provides a steady supply of nourishing golden fat that we harvest and carefully process into tallow – the ultimate all-natural and moisturizing ingredient for your skin.

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100% raw unfiltered honey and raw infused honey


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